Indigenous Literacy Day on 6 September is showcasing three beautiful bilingual children's books. Celebrate First Nations peoples’ stories, cultures and languages and purchase your copies today!
And don’t forget to register for the FREE Indigenous Literacy Day 15 minute FILM, where you will learn how and where these gorgeous stories were created.
Written by ILF Ambassador Justine Clarke and students from the Barunga Remote Community School. This book celebrates why life is sweet at Shordi Krik. Join students on a trip to their local creek where they play, swim, sing and share words in their First Language, Kriol.
The joyful ILD FILM showcases the value of having a book about their local creek and how the students worked together with mentor and ILF Ambassador Justine Clarke to transform it into a catchy song.
Country Tells Us When…
Country Tells Us When… is a story from the Yawuru Community in Rubibi (Broome) that explores the seasonal changes of the Kimberley. It is about connecting to Country and acknowledging the six seasons of the region, so that kids can see their lives, culture and Country depicted in a book. Written and illustrated by educators from Cable Beach Primary School.
During the Indigenous Literacy Day celebration, viewers will virtually attend the launch and celebration of this book as students and teachers share Yawuru culture, language, stories and why this book is important to the Community.
We Look, We Find
From Napranum in Cape York, Queensland, We Look, We Find showcases what it means to be on Country with Elders. The book teaches children the importance of learning about Country and shares words in Thaynakwith language. It was largely inspired by the renowned Elder Thaynakupi.
The ILD FILM will show the children and Elders in the Napranum Community celebrating We Look, We Find, and explain the importance of Thaynakwith language, and how Elders and ancestors have passed on knowledge of Country as well as teach you some new words! When you look, what will you find? You will have to wait and see…